Q and A with Master Thinh

Posted by Silkisondan Karate on Monday, November 1, 2021

Q and A with Master Thinh 2021

What do you think is the most impactful part of karate training?

It’s always on my mind when you have a room full of kids and adults, men and women that come from all walks of life. They come in and do the same techinque knowing they all will be diffrent even if they look the same but on their mind and their future what they do is different.

I still remember the first time I have to sign my name. I began to recognize that I have one shot when I put my pen down, it’s one shot that’s it. YOu can’t resign your name on the same piece of paper. I think karate is the same way. When you do a form, when you come to class, you have only one shot. That’s on my mind. Thats’ the most impactful of training. You can’t redo it.

What was on your mind when you were young?

When I was young, I love betta fish. I love fighting cocks. I love anything that fights. I see that there is certain part of the spirit in animals. That’s the first thing that I see, and they way that they do it have certain characteristics. It turns out that they way they fight, they just protect themselves. They don’t really want to hurt anyone. so if you look closely «»>. Around six or seven, I saw a lot out on the street. Especially when you have bully that fight against other kids. And I hated it. I was the third in our family of four boys. My two brothers were ok but they never wanted to get in a fight, and I always invite bullies to come to my way. I beat most of them even if they were 5 years older than me. Then I learned one thing on my mind is that if i take all of that and learn the right way I can help. So i went to visit some schools and I found a karate school. One of the instructors - he was a monk. and he was probably one of the toughest monks. «»»

If you could teach a student only one lesson what would it be?

Learn the basics first and let [your students] be free. Don’t control them. Let them do whatever they want. Don’t control them.

How does karate help you overcome your mistakes?

In karate the first move you make is a mistake. Someone will correct you. In my way of thinking self study is the best. The teacher can only be a guide. They don’t have all the answers. I think you know yourself better. YOu need to feel your body well. You need to know your body well. You need to know your energy. Know your strength and weakness. You need to master your body. THen you have guidance from the instructor that will help you guide. It’s almost like if you have a mirror then you know what you look like. You wll make the adjust so you know what’s best and you will make the improvement.